WalkingLA on twitter is becoming a LA Walk database and Living Guidebook
As we detailed in our posts recently a great new Twitter account has been activated and is dedicated exclusively to live tweeting LA health and adventure walks. Noteworthy is that, by tradition, nobody walks in LA! Among the uninitiated the consensus is that there is no great place to walk, it’s dangerous, no shade and, well, we drive here only and that’s that.
What we already featured previously and what is astounding in the photos and route guides coming from @sweetslinky is that Los Angeles is a city that has a surprising number of incredible “secret” routes that are fantastic to traverse for fun, exercise and adventure where extremely unexpected things appear along the way.
While we all know that beach sunsets are beautiful and, yes, it’s likely that WalkingLA on Twitter will have a scenic batch of beach routes happening in the near future, the unknown underdog routes with less obvious beauty is where the intrigue lies.
A case in point regarding the unknown and even unloved secretly mysterious routes to walk for health and adventure is seen in the map of todays live tweet plan:
Beginning near the vaguely named Los Angeles State Historic Park, which is near Chinatown in LA, this unique and unexpectedly curious walking tour begins at a good landmark to store in memory for future reference.
Los Angeles State Historic Park
- Park Hours: 8am to Sunset
- Phone number: (323) 441-8819
- Dogs allowed? Woof!
- 1291-1299 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
- Direction on G Maps
From the CA Department of Parks and Recreation:
Los Angeles State Historic Park provides an extraordinary opportunity for recreation and education in the heart of Los Angeles. Within its 32 acres of open space directly adjacent to Chinatown, park visitors can wander pathways and enjoy a view of downtown, as well as discover and celebrate the natural and cultural heritage of Los Angeles.
In 2006, California State Parks developed a temporary, 13-acre portion of the park so that the public could enjoy the park immediately. Since that time we have developed partnerships with educational institutions and community organizations to allow for creative and innovative public events. State Parks invites you to continue to engage in the past, present and future of Los Angeles at Los Angeles State Historic Park.
Who’d have thought this type of “secret” park would be in this location. Just need to know it’s there and you’re off on an adventure to the next hidden landmark.
Often in LA, when on foot, you come across areas that look as if they once had a local, street level that has since been lost to the car and freeway culture that has boomed and built the tangled creation that is modern LA.
Familiar from many a gritty Hollywood move, from Terminator to virtually any LA based crime drama this bridge may feel a bit risky but that historic familiarity is well worth the danger.
Optimistic neon statements like this one, seemingly without commercial purpose, are a typical expression of the quirky LA mindset known, again mainly from films, across the globe.
As recently as 2008, according to WalkingLA proprietor this was once a bustling place of business and commerce.
A spontaneous memorial along the route.
Spiral staircases are a feature of the up-and-down maze of paths, walkways and stairs – all part of the master plan to engage the mind and senses, even as we trick our bodies into getting healthier via aerobic exercise…
Another oh-so-familliar location from so many movies it’s hard to imagine anyone that would not feel at home in this semi-desolate spot. Car chases, jet flyovers and even shoot-outs have been filmed to great effect in this otherworldly “river” that is more like a sunken road to nowhere.
Even in the city most famous for no-one walking or taking any mass transit system in favor of the personal auto, there are indeed trains, subways and all manner of attempts to go against the grain of car-only life.
These kinds of freeway tunnels harken back to early LA when mountains were hollowed out to help kickstart the initial explosion of what is now LA’s unless labyrinth of freeways and highways.
The 110 freeway, though a large, important conduit through the heart of the city, is not the non-stop “parking-lot” style traffic jan that we imagine from aerial shots (movies!) of the 405 freeway, for example. For this reason it can be almost pleasant to walk along this path parallel with the action.
Not just active with traffic and cars but also mysterious art-ninjas that “beautify” our surroundings. 😉
The route passes what is not an historic landmark, not only for World Series Championships but also, more recently, a massive parking lot filled with people getting vaccinated.
Here’s a new untried staircase – excellent for the heart and body. Although it’s not totally open for business there are no blocks at the top and no signs designating it as a no trespassing zone. Therefore, WalkingLA says it’s a go and take the plunge:
And with these two picturesque architectural oddities, dripping with LA chic, we conclude todays walking route.
- Homo Sapiens Under the ET Microscope: A Non-human Biologic’s Perspective
- The Stoic Renaissance: Resurgence of an Ancient Philosophy in Modern Times
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